Saturday, September 4, 2010

Leadership Training Week

The first pictures are of our wonderful weekend in Huelva. We enjoyed getting to know the members there. These wonderful women made this beautiful table cloth to use during Relief Society.
Elders Han and Hamilton are doing great in Huelva and it was fun to see them.
Oh Elder Waite, don't jump! I ask the missionaries to send me some great pictures and I couldn't resist sharing this one.
Hna's Ackerman and Ruiz de Mendoza shared their baptism pictures that occured over the last 3 months in Cadiz.

And again, baptisms in Almeria. Elders Marchello and Hurley and Adams and his new companion who isn't pictured, Elder Fagersten love it in Almeria. August was a great month of many baptisms. Keep working hard Elders and Hermanas.
They ayudantes have a new job these days, it's called help Hna Clegg cook the burgers! We had our Zone Leader Council this week and they were assisting me.
This was Elder Ponce's last Zone Leader Council because he is going home next week. We will miss him, he has been a wonderful example of humble leadership.
Hna's Ball and Eberly were taking their own pictures.
We brought Hna Ruiz de Mendoza in too because of her leg injury. She won't be held down for long. Hna Hunt and her husband also joined us for lunch. We have wonderful Hermanas in this mission.
Elder Romney, don't drip the jam!
We were getting ready for our picture but I liked this one because you can see our "reflecting pool" is working today!
We had a wonderful Zone Leader Council and now it is time for the 1st leadership training.
Here we are with 30 Elders in the Mission home for a 4 day training. Don't they look great.
You'll see every Elder but Elder Wallace who is sitting right next to Elder Langston who is front and to your right. But you will see him in another photo.
This is the 3rd angle of the missionaries. 4 days of teaching and practicing and eating and learning and teaching and practicing and eating and learning. It was great!
Now you can see Elder Wallace! Elder Adams and De Molino are saying hi too. We are just getting ready to start.
Every morning brought missionaries up to iron their shirts. Elder Paolinelli is one of many wanting to look great. We slept 21 of the 30 missionaries in the mission home. The other 9 were in the assistants apartment.
Breakfast, medio dia and light dinner were all eaten out on the patio.
Elder LeBaron loved the ice cream sundaes!
I caught you Elder Bader and Elder Solari! Are you sneaking ice cream with your carrot cake?
All the Elders were great helpers but Elder Gold was golden!
Elders Brian and Langsten are not sure of what they are seeing.
The chain of shoulder rubs. Elder Christensen is enjoying the sight.
The next 5 pictures are just a few of the ones taken during the many practices that the Elders participated in. There was so much to learn and they all worked hard to improve and be able to teach to their zones and districts and companions. There is more to come for the whole mission.

Here is the whole group. What an inpressive sight of missionaries.
Now the bags are packed, they're ready to go.
It took a few transports to get them all back to Fuengirola Train station and to start their journeys back home to their areas.
More Elders in the van and ready to go after a great training week.
The living room is back together and now these are the ones waiting for the second wave of cars to leave.
They're all gone. The house is so quiet when they are all gone. We loved having them here and look forward to many more training sessions in the mission home, in the zones and in the districts. This new emphasis on teaching is sure to help all the missionaries with their teaching and reaching out to invite all to "Come Unto Christ."


  1. oh so good to see elder froberg (brent) we love you and we know you love your area the pictures are gorgeous and everyone looks so happy:) --Lesha (brent's sister)

  2. AWESOME blog thanks for all the wonderful pictures, they all look so happy and healthy, thanks for being their missionary MOM and DAD we all love you for loving our missionaries!!!

  3. Thanks for all of the great pictures of Leadership training - I was trying to imagine all of those missionaries in your home! My son, Elder Brian, just raved about your cooking - he especially enjoyed your chili, but also named every single thing you prepared in his email! (You must be exhausted!) He was so grateful and loved being there. He was excited about all he learned and said it was, "an amazing experience - sharing ideas, leading this mission, becoming better, becoming a brotherhood. I have absolutely loved this week. I am ready to serve." Thanks SO much for all that you and President Clegg do - you're great examples of Christlike love and service. I'm so grateful that my son has the privilege of serving under your stewardship - he loves you both.
    Gospel love,
    Ann Brian

  4. Great pictures. Elder Froberg (my brother) raved about the mission home and the lessons he learned being there for the classes. He was impressed to even get his own bed!!
    Thanks for all the updates! It's so nice to hear that Brent is happy and well taken care of:)
    Andrea Ashmore

  5. Wow! So much work but looks and sounds like it was a great success! Great pictures. Where was dad in the shoulder rubbing one? I would expect him to be in the front! Ha Ha. Love you dad. Those missionaries are lucky!

  6. I'm so glad to find this. I've been following the Spain Barcelona blog for quite a while and was sad that I'd miss out on parts of my mission with the boundary change. I served in the Barcelona Mission under Pte. Tenney from Oct 95 to Feb 97 and served in Valencia, Elche & Cartagena. It brings back wonderful memories seeing your photos of the capillas in Cartagena & Elche...thank you!
    Beth (Hurlbut) Lee
